2024 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Science (IC2ECS 2024)
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2024 3rd  International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Sciences (IC2ECS 2023) 

has come to an endnal Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Sciences (IC2ECS 2023) has come to an end


In order to further strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and promote interdisciplinary integration, 2024 3rd International Academic Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Science (IC2ECS 2023) was successfully held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 30, 2023. Co-sponsored by Guangxi University and Hangzhou Dianzi University, the conference was successfully held in the form of online + offline.


Opening ceremony of IC2ECS 2023

Preside over the opening

Dr. Tang Zao, Hangzhou Dianzi University


The opening ceremony was officially opened at 9 am on the 30th. Dr. Tang Zao from Hangzhou Dianzi University presided over the opening ceremony. On behalf of the conference, experts and scholars were warmly welcomed. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, technicians and related personnel from electrical equipment manufacturing, control systems, power machinery design and development to share scientific research results and cutting-edge technologies, understand academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussion, and promote industrial cooperation of academic results.

IC2ECS 2023 Keynote Speech


Prof. Goh Hui Hwang, Guangxi University, China

(CSEE/IET Fellow, IEEE Senior Member)

Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, member of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering, member of the British Institution of Engineering Technology and the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, Registered Chartered Engineer, International Engineer, Asia Pacific Engineer. Asean Outstanding Young Scientist in 2019, winner of the Guangxi Golden Hydrangea Friendship Award in 2022. Research areas include power systems, renewable energy, and energy efficiency.


Title:An Analysis of Expense-Bound Enhancement Power Demands in the ASEAN Electricity Market


Prof. Jiebei Zhu, Tianjin University, China

(IET Fellow, IEEE Senior Member)

His main research directions are electric electronic power system, new energy and smart grid, new energy network control, etc. He has published more than 80 SCI/EI journals, more than 20 patents, and formulated 2 international standards and 4 group standards.


Title:Basic Theories and Key Technologies of Inertia-Power-Frequency Sensing and Control across “Cloud-Network-Device” in Novel Power System


Prof. Yiming Zhang, Fuzhou University, China

(IEEE Senior Member)

National overseas young talent introduction, Fujian Province "Minjiang Scholars" distinguished professor, professor of Fuzhou University, doctoral supervisor. Named in Elsevier's top 2% of the world's top scientists. His research interests are radio energy transmission technology, power electronic power conversion technology, etc.


Title:Free Positioning Wireless Charging for Consumer Electronics based on Antiparallel Windings


A.Prof. Sohrab Mirsaeid, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

(IEEE Senior Member)

Member of China Metrology Relay and Protection Equipment Standardization Technical Committee, presided over and participated in a number of national scientific research projects. He is a Senior Fellow of IEEE and a member of IET, CIGRE and the China Institute of Electrical Engineering (CSEE).


Title:Facilitation of Reliability Analysis in Large-Scale Hvbrid AC/DC Grids Using Computer-Based Algorithms


Prof. Jianmin Zhang, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China

(IEEE Senior Member)

Deputy Director of Zhejiang Engineering Laboratory of Regional Energy Internet Technology; Deputy Director, Institute of Electrical Automation, Director of Smart Grid Information Engineering Laboratory; Head of the first "Regional Smart Energy and Intelligent Control" interdisciplinary team "Information Physical Energy System Direction" of Hangzhou Dianzi University; Director of Regional Energy Internet Technology Engineering Laboratory, Hangzhou Dianzi University.


Title:Resilient Operation and Control of Urban Medium Voltage Distribution Network based on a S-SCDN Diagram

IC2ECS 2023 Oral Presentation & Poster presentation


The successful holding of this IC2ECS 2023 International Academic conference will contribute to the academic research and industrial development in the fields of electrical equipment manufacturing, control systems and power machinery design, open up a broader space for the innovation and progress of the academic community, and lay a deeper foundation for cooperation and exchanges in related fields at home and abroad. The participants also injected new vitality into the scientific research cooperation and innovative development in the fields of "electrical engineering", "control science", "mechanical engineering" and "automation".
